University of Tasmania

RFID in perishable foods transportation : an analysis of the adoption of time-temperature monitoring technology for the transport of perishable foods

posted on 2023-05-27, 14:44 authored by Thamworrawong, K
This research provides an analysis of the adoption of time-temperature monitoring technologies (particularly RFID) for the transport of perishable foods. These technologies have been used to provide information during the transport of other commodities but there are very few studies on their adoption and use in the perishable food industry. Increasingly the perishable food industry is under pressure to provide higher quality, higher nutritional fresh foods and to address stricter standards covering food safety. There has also been real market pressure for organisations to minimise supply chain management costs, and maximise customer service and market opportunities. Therefore, the objective of this research was to examine the potential application of time-temperature monitoring in cold (refrigerated) supply chain management in Australia. This thesis presents five industry case studies that seek to understand the nature of the adoption of technology for environmental monitoring of the transport of perishable foods. These case studies explore the use of time-temperature monitoring equipment for the quality assurance of perishable food, supply chain relationship maintenance, fault diagnosis, and reduction of costs associated with reverse logistics. This research adopts a post-positivist epistemology and employs qualitative analysis of multiple case studies, using semi-structured interviews and a critical analysis approach to the derivation of effect-outcome models associated with the adoption of this technology. These approaches provide considerable insight into the logistics management of the transport of perishable foods across a range of industries, including seafood export, confectionary distribution and research into food safety. This exploratory research has identified a number of dependent variables, including Return on Investment, that characterise the outcomes of decisions relating to the adoption of time-temperature monitoring technologies. The study provides a preliminary model as the basis for further investigation into the use of time-temperature monitoring technology for surveillance of perishable foods. These findings are also relevant to industry in providing insight into the key issues that need to be considered when integrating environmental monitoring into supply chain management practices.




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  • Unpublished

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Copyright 2007 the author

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