Volume I of this dissertation commences with an examination of the epigraphic source material by which Africa's municipal patrons are mostly known. Municipal patrons are then discussed group by group (chapters II-VIII). These number four: group (A) (non-local administrators), group (B) (non-administrators of local or proximate origo), group (C) (administrators of local or proximate origo), group (D) (a small group conforming to none of the foregoing). Important provincial variations emerge for group (A) patrons, with those governing Numidia being routinely co-opted from the C2 on, while their counterparts in Africa Proconsularis (and the provinces later carved from it), whose co-optation was on a far more selective basis, are concentrated in the C1 and C4. Small communities rarely succeeded in co-opting group (A) administrators. Selectivity of group (B) patrons existed at all levels. Almost imperceptible for senators (other than women) it affected primarily municipal office holders and to a lesser degree equestrians (favouring those entered upon a career). For patrons beneath equestrian rank precedence was given to relatives of equestrians and senators, Carthaginian magistrates and collaterals, provincial priests and curatores rei publicae. Municipal dignitaries without these advantages are phased out by the early C2 in Africa Proconsularis to reappear infrequently in the C4. Three chapters (IX - XI) discuss patrons of provinces and curiae, and patroni incerti. Patrons of Africa's provinces are unknown outside of Mauretania until the Dominate. The exclusion of acting governors dates to Caesar. All patrons of curiae are local men and of modest rank, where only one curia was client. Prosopography as well as analysis and comparison of epigraphic material (notably honorific dedications) provides a viable means for predicating 'non-patrons' and patroni incerti of varying potentiality. The final chapter (XII) examines the nature of the patronal contract and variations in the quid pro quo according to the status of both patron and client. Volume II provides lists and tables to the text and alphabetical lists of the personae and clientelae involved. Lists of patrons with relevant details occupies volume III. The primary purpose of the thesis is to define the shifting criteria of eligibility to the municipal patronate in Africa according to the status of patron and client, and to determine chronological and provincial variations.
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Copyright 1989 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Tasmania, 1990. Includes bibliographical references (p. 356-386)