University of Tasmania

Some fundamentals of meta-modelling with applications to measurement of software artefact reuse

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posted on 2024-08-09, 05:39 authored by Doroshenko, Eugene Eric
This thesis proposes a meta-model based framework to investigate measurement of the amount of reuse for a variety of software models. The framework was assessed using a prototype tool. The evaluation of the framework consisted of four phases that constitute the experiments conducted in the study. The phases are: ‚Äö Software Model Type Classification. The framework is assessed to see if it can classify different kinds of software models. ‚Äö Software Model Classification. The framework is assessed to see if it can classify and measure size related to the amount of reuse for different software models. ‚Äö Measurement Testing. The framework is assessed to see if it can measure the amount of reuse using a series of software models as test cases. ‚Äö Automation assessment. The framework is assessed to identify the limits of its application for measurement of the amount of reuse. Findings from this study indicated that most software model types selected could be measured for the amount of reuse for different software models, provided that each software model type is classified prior to measurement of reuse. This did not require either additional programming or different software components in the prototype tool for different software models. Nor did the framework itself have to be modified at meta-level two, three, or four. Measurement of the amount of reuse using generation provided a reasonably accurate reflection of the actual contribution made using this reuse approach. Importing of software models using data entry and imported text file did work but was labour intensive. To automate this, tools specific to each software model type need to be made to translate the software model into the text file format defined by the prototype tool. Measurement of reuse using composition for analysis and design models was more realistic in its measurement than for source code models, particularly if the CASE tool used an import/export approach to the reuse of software models. Measurement of the amount of reuse using composition for source code was inaccurate for practical purposes. Recommendations for further research include the need to streamline the development of tools for translation of software models, refine the framework to include the concept of references for measuring internal reuse using composition, and refine the measurement of reuse for source code and repository-based reuse in CASE technology.


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 2005 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). For consultation only. No loan or photocopying permitted until 1 June 2007. Computer laser optical disc contains Appendices. Thesis (PhD.)--University of Tasmania, 2005. Includes bibliographical references

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