Stop! That toy is broken : validity and sensitivity of toy factory, a brief, gamified measure of response inhibition
We aimed to investigate whether our novel, gamified Stop-Signal task (SST), Toy Factory was a valid and sensitive measure of response inhibition by comparing performance with a standardised SST. Research has identified a link between poor response inhibition and relapse from substance use disorder treatment. Our rationale was to develop a more accessible and engaging measure for treatment settings. 36 participants (22 Female) aged 18-45 years attended two 4–6-hour sessions 3 -10 days apart, in a pre-determined counterbalanced condition sequence. We hypothesised a moderate correlation between outcome measures and expected there would be impaired response inhibition performance following BrACs of 0.05% ascending, 0.08% peak and 0.05% relative to placebo. We expected minimal learning effects on repeat testing and improved user experience. Toy Factory performance was correlated with the standard SST at BrAC 0.00% but not BrAC 0.08%. Additionally, reliability between test and retest was poor. Our task was sensitive to impaired response inhibition at BrACs 0.05% ascending, 0.08% peak but not 0.05% descending. There was no indication of learning effects and participants perceived Toy Factory as more engaging but more complex than a traditional SST. Future avenues are to examine whether gamified mechanics influence performance approaches.
- Undergraduate Dissertation
ix, 87 pagesDepartment/School
School of Psychological SciencesPublisher
University of TasmaniaPublication status
- Unpublished