University of Tasmania

The conductor-teacher, conductor-learner : an autoethnography of the dynamic conducting/teaching, learning process of an advanced level wind ensemble conductor

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posted on 2023-05-26, 03:56 authored by King, SM
This study aimed to examine the nature of the work of a conductor-music educator, more specifically my lived experience as a music educator, conductor and performer as I worked with a community music program in regional Tasmania, Australia. The study was conceived from a desire to better understand my own practice as a music educator and conductor. It is through this desire that I examine the nature of the conductor-music educator's work through my eyes and the eyes of members of an ensemble I conduct. A number of research studies have examined music educators' work and the conducting practice. To assist in the understanding of the complex work of the conductor-music educator it was important to gain an understanding of the development of the large instrumental ensemble performance and within music education in Tasmania, Australia. To achieve this it was necessary to explore the international (United States of America and United Kingdom) influences on Australian music education. It was also necessary to review literature pertaining to the work of the music educator and skills and the work of the conductor within an educational context. An autoethnographic approach was taken to facilitate an understanding my practice as a conductor-music educator. This approach provided opportunities for me to reflect upon how I became the musician, music educator and conductor I am today. Data were generated through my reflexive writings, journaling, rehearsal plans, rehearsal video footage, concert video footage, ensemble participant interviews and video-stimulated interviews. The rich data generated provided an insight into my work as a conductor-music educator. These data are considered in relation to the literature the work of the music educator, the development and art and craft of a conductor, and the work of the conductor-music educator. The findings from this study suggest that the nature of the conductor-music educator's work is multifaceted and multi-layered. The relationship between repertoire (music pedagogical texts) selection and preparation, rehearsal planning, rehearsal implementation and rehearsal reflection is inextricably linked; it is a cyclic process where one stage informs the next stage. Fundamentally a conductor-music educator never stops teaching and during rehearsals they must engage ensemble members' fingers (technique) and musicianship (brain). This engagement comes through the planning and implementation of meaningful experiences which empower ensemble members to learn. The findings of this study highlight the need for pre-service music education courses to provide future conductor-music educators with a good understanding of the choreography of conducting. However, it is important for pre-service music education students to also learn how teach for musical understanding through the use of meaningful and effective teaching strategies and the art and craft of conducting. Most importantly is the realisation that the conductor-music educator never stops teaching and learning.


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  • Unpublished

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Copyright Copyright 2011 the author

Repository Status

  • Open

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