University of Tasmania
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The development of Tasmanian shore platforms

posted on 2023-05-27, 15:58 authored by Sanders, NK
Horizontal shore platforms at the approximate level of high tide have been recognized as features of the world's coastlines for over 100 years. Since the mid _19th Century, geologists and geomorphologists have described these platforms and attempted to account for their origins. Interest has continued in shore platforms for two reasons: platforms are notable in themselves as coastal features and they have been used to indicate past sea levels. The great deal of disagreement in the literature over the processes of formation indicates the lack of actual knowledge about developmental details. Recent studies have concentrated on determining the details of platform formation, but many processes still need clarification. Until these details are known, there is little point in citing characteristic elevations of horizontal, high tidal shore platforms as evidence of sea level change. Earlier workers tended to neglect three major avenues of investigation which are important in defining the processes involved in shore platform development, The three approaches are precise mapping of the platform surfaces, laboratory work including wave tank experiments, and underwater study. In addition, the influence of biological factors, climate, wave characteristics and tidal regime were often overlooked. This thesis is an attempt to explain the development of Tasmanian shore platforms using precise measurement, experimentation and underwater investigation, combined with recognition of the influence of organic and environmental considerations. Information gained will be combined with knowledge set forth by previous workers to determine the factors involved in Tasmanian shore platform development, Although the present study is primarily concerned with the development of horizontal, high tidal platforms, all the basic Tasmanian platform types are considered, Determination of prooesaea is faci:itated by analysis of the factors leading to the production of platforms with differing slopes, surface roughness and altitudinal locations. The study is divided into three main parts. Section I follows the development of ideas pertaining to shore platforms from 1849 to the present, Section II describes a number of significant Tasmanian shore platforms in detail as a foundation for Section III. The final section combines previous theories with information gained from field study and experiments to isolate the factors important in the development of Tasmanian shore platforms. Chapter 17, describing the fonnation of the Tessellated Pavement, presents an example of how the factors discussed in Section III interact in producing an actual platform. Following Section III are two appendices: \Construction of a Simple Portable Tide Gauge\" and \"Stereo Photography from Light Aircraft\"."


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1968 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Tasmania, 1968. Includes bibliographies

Repository Status

  • Open

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