posted on 2023-05-26, 21:50authored byDireen, Jane
There is evidence to suggest that dispositional self-handicappers suffer long-term negative effects such as poor academic performance and negative affect. However, there has been little research investigating these effects in situations where real life goals are salient and where specific academic self-handicapping measurement tools are used. In addition, research directly investigating dispositional self-handicapper's performance expectations is limited to laboratory settings. Studies have indicated a need for the development and validation of academic self-handicapping scales that are more reflective of self-handicapping in the academic domain. Consequently, further research investigating the above areas in a field setting using a specific academic self-handicapping tool is advised. In study 1, participants (N = 240) completed a package of questionnaires including the Revised Academic Self-Handicapping Scale (RASH) and 140 participants returned to complete the second questionnaire package four weeks later. The RASH was revised to form a 12-item scale (RASH-I I ). The RASH-II was found to have two subscales: Procrastination and Achievement Anxiety, and was found to be a psychometrically sound instrument, which has good reliability and validity. Study 2 examined the relationship between dispositional academic self-handicapping and claimed handicaps, performance expectations, performance and affect in a naturalistic context using the RASH-II as a specific academic self-handicapping assessment tool. Participants (N = 78) completed the RASH-II and were provided the opportunity to claim handicaps, report performance expectations, and report affect at various times during the semester. In addition, participants' grades on assignments and examinations were obtained. Participants who scored high on the RASH-II, claimed more handicaps prior to assignments and exams and expected to perform more poorly than those who scored low. This was despite similar performances throughout the year. In addition, these participants also reported higher levels of negative affect. These findings confirm previous research into the effects of chronic self-handicapping whilst using a new academic self-handicapping measurement tool and focussing on real life performance situations for third year University students.
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Copyright 2005 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s) For consultation only. No loan or photocopying permitted until 29th June 2007. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Tasmania, 2005. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-80)