The primary contribution of this thesis is to introduce and examine the planar modular partition monoid for parameters m, k ‚Äöv†v† Z>0, which has simultaneously and independently generated interest from other researchers as outlined within. Our collective understanding of related monoids, in particular the Jones, Brauer and partition monoids, along with the algebras they generate, has heavily infuenced the direction of research by a significant number of mathematicians and physicists. Examples include Schur-Weyl type dualities in representation theory along with Potts, ice-type and Andrew-Baxter-Forrester models from statistical mechanics, giving strong motivation for the planar modular partition monoid to be examined. The original results contained within this thesis relating to the planar modular partition monoid are: the establishment of generators; recurrence relations for the cardinality of the monoid; recurrence relations for the cardinality of Green's R, L and D relations; and a conjecture on relations that appear to present the planar modular partition monoid when m = 2. For diagram semigroups that are closed under vertical reflections, characterisations of Green's R, L and H relations have previously been established using the upper and lower patterns of bipartitions. We give a characterisation of Green's D relation with a similar flavour for diagram semigroups that are closed under vertical reflections. We also give a number of analogous results for the modular partition monoid, the monoid generated by replacing diapses with m-apses in the generators of the Jones monoid, later referred to as the m-apsis monoid, and the join of the m-apsis monoid with the symmetric group. A further contribution of this thesis is a reasonably comprehensive exposition of the fundamentals of diagram semigroups, which have traditionally been approached from the representation theory side and have since blossomed into a thriving area of research in their own right.