posted on 2023-05-26, 23:13authored byGardner, Christine(Christine Margaret)
This dissertation reviews the function and assessment of teacher- student relationships and their bearing on the learning process in the primary school classroom. The importance attached to teacher-student relationships in Australian schools is surveyed. The existence of positive relationships is recognized as being essential. Role relationships between teachers and students are examined. Whilst acknowledging the necessity of these role relationships, the potential for additional relationships to develop and co-exist is explored. A variety of teaching roles is listed and discussed. Variables which influence teacher-student relationships are identified. The bearing of these variables on effective learning is examined. Some conflicting evidence is presented and debated. The assessment of teaching skills is reviewed with particular reference to teacher-student relationship-building skills. Current practices in teacher assessment are examined. Emphasis is placed on the need for consistency between the aspect of teaching behaviour requiring attention and the type of teacher assessment employed. Specific reference is made to assessment practices in Tasmania, and Australia as a whole. The compatability of these practices with the approach required to assess ongoing and developmental teacher behaviours is discussed. Teacher-student relationships play a vital part in the learning process. However, these relationships alone are not sufficient to ensure effective learning. Teacher behaviours which contribute towards the building of positive teacher-student relationships have been identified. In addition, behaviours which students display in effective learning environments are listed. There is a high congruence between behaviours typically found in effective learning environments and behaviours which help build positive teacher-student relationships. Strategies to promote awareness of the role of teacher-student relationships in this respect are recommended. Finally, suggestions to facilitate effective assessment of teacher-student relationship skills are made.
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Rights statement
Copyright 1986 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Bibliography: leaves 61-70. Thesis (M.Ed.Stud.)--University of Tasmania, 1988