University of Tasmania

The spatial awareness competence of Tasmanian infant and primary teachers and student teachers

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posted on 2023-05-27, 07:45 authored by Anderson, KC
A two-component model of teacher Spatial Awareness competence, a spatial abilities component and a syllabus specific component, was used as the basis for this study. The two samples tested were a 1-in-10 random sample of Tasmanian Infant and Primary teachers (via postal survey) and the year IV (i.e. last year of teacher training) Tasmanian Infant and Primary student teachers. The response rates were, respectively, 79.1% (178 out of 225) and 84.3% (193 out of 229). For each teacher and student teacher two tests were completed, a spatial abilities test and one of two parallel forms of an original Spatial Awareness Teaching Test (SATT). The latter was a 36 item test based on the Kindergarten to Grade 6 range of the Spatial Awareness strand of the (Tasmanian) Primary Mathematics Guidelines. It was noted that other tests of teacher and student teacher geometry on space competence had apparently not contained the range of classroom relevant test items for the grade range of responsibility of their samples. However, in the present study in keeping with the Guidelines, SATT was divided in to three sub tests, the Infant, Middle Primary, and Upper Primary sub tests, formed from consecutive groups of 12 questions, respectively. To simplify reporting and analysis the data from both forms of SATT were combined into a single SATT . The combined data were analysed at two levels. First, a description of SATT results and item competences for the two samples was given. As well, a description of sub tes t results and item competence for the teacher subsample at their main level of teaching (Infant, Middle Primary Or Upper Primary) and student teachers at their level of teacher training (Infant or Primary) was given. In addition, the errors of teachers and student teachers on the most difficult items from their relevant sub test were tabulated and briefly discussed. At the second level of analysis, SATT score for both samples was adjusted for the spatial abilities component (thus making the 'residual' SATT score more \syllabus specific\") and then analysed with various factors. For teachers the four out of nine factors which were initially found to be significant were used in a four-way stepdown ANCOVA . Secondary mathematics background' 'level of teaching' 'feedback' were significant and 'sex' became non-significant. The in-service implications of these results (based on this order of significant factors) were discussed. For student teachers as all their four factors were initially found to be significant a four-way stepdown ANCOVA was performed. Secondary mathematics background' and 'course of study\" remained significant and 'feedback' and 'sex' became nonsignificant. The implications of these results for entry into teacher training pre-service mathematics education and inservice mathetics education were discussed. Suggestions for further study based on the ideas of the present study were made."


Publication status

  • Unpublished

Rights statement

Copyright 1983 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Tasmania, 1984. Bibliography: leaves 219-224

Repository Status

  • Open

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