Valuing wilderness : an analysis of the public submissions to the proposed helicopter/floatplane landing sites in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
The subjective nature of a wilderness experience and wilderness definition makes it imperative that managers of wilderness areas understand the views held by stakeholders, their experience levels and demographic profile. This study demonstrates the values, needs, characteristics and behaviours of the respondents to the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service's (2000) call for submissions to the helicopter and floatplane landing sites issue in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. A phenomenological approach is taken in order to classify the wilderness values identified in the submissions. In addition to the official responses, data is taken from a follow-up survey conducted on the respondents to determine experience levels and a demographic profile. The follow-up survey seeks to clarify the wilderness values held by the stakeholders. Clear demographic and experience profiles emerge from the study. The respondents are identified as being 35-54 years of age, hold managerial or professional occupations, and have completed tertiary education. Respondents are very experienced, self-reliant recreationalists and have participated in at least one self-reliant recreational activity in the last 12 months. The stakeholders believe that wilderness should be completely protected. The reasons behind this need for protection constitute the stakeholders' wilderness values. Wilderness values that are identified in the study include: Gymnasium, Rarity, Wilderness as Protected Landscape, Life Support, and Intrinsic Values. The findings have implications for best practice management of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
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Copyright 2001 the author Thesis (MEnvMgt)--University of Tasmania, 2002. Includes bibliographical references