The interaction of severe social change, new creeds and challenged beliefs during the nineteenth century created a cultural crisis for western society which would enable the Theosophical Society to emerge as an answer to that crisis. The publication of 'The Origin of Species' in 1859 is a suitable starting point. The cultural impact of Darwin's work was wide-reaching, and those who read Darwin were only a fraction of those exposed to Darwinian ideas. Evolutionary notions settled on the bed of popular perceptions and, losing none of their potency, produced a great variety of expressions, even contradictory ones and the full impact of evolutionary theory upon the late nineteenth century mind caused the disquiet that pervaded late Victorian thinking. A changing view of the Bible accompanied the adjustment to modern science and the appearance of 'Essays and Reviews' by seven liberal churchmen in 1860 presented a further shock. The higher criticism of the Tubingen School (denying Mosaic authorship of the Penteteuch and questioning the historical accuracy of the Old Testament, its rejection of the miracles and the old notion of prophecy) transmitted to English readers challenges to the Bible as an inspired and infallible book.
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Copyright 1993 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s). Includes bibliographical references. Thesis (M.A.) Qualifying--University of Tasmania, 1993