University of Tasmania

Seizure prediction using directed transfer function and convolution neural network on intracranial EEG

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-20, 19:31 authored by Wang, G, Wang, D, Du, C, Li, K, Zhang, J, Liu, Z, Tao, Y, Wang, M, Cao, Z, Yan, X
Automatic seizure prediction promotes the development of closed-loop treatment system on intractable epilepsy. In this study, by considering the specific information exchange between EEG channels from the perspective of whole brain activities, the convolution neural network (CNN) and the directed transfer function (DTF) were merged to present a novel method for patient-specific seizure prediction. Firstly, the intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) signals were segmented and the information flow features of iEEG signals were calculated by using the DTF algorithm. Then, these features were reconstructed as the channel-frequency maps according to channel pairs and the frequency of information flow. Finally, these maps were fed into the CNN model and the outputs were post-processed by the moving average approach to predict the epileptic seizures. By the evaluation of cross-validation method, the proposed algorithm achieved the averaged sensitivity of 90.8%, the averaged false prediction rate of 0.08 per hour. Compared to the random predictor and other existing algorithms tested on the Freiburg EEG dataset, our proposed method achieved better performance for seizure prediction in all patients. These results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm could provide an robust seizure prediction solution by using deep learning to capture the brain network changes of iEEG signals from epileptic patients.


Publication title

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering






School of Information and Communication Technology


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Place of publication

United States

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Artificial intelligence