RDF has become the de-facto standard for the representation and exchange of information. It is not only used for representing the context of Linked Open Data and semantic-Web, but also used as to publish structured data in science and business. It is also the driving force behind the increasing research interest in RDF data management. RDF is the data format for publishing liked data, and links between databases are based on database state. Failure to maintain the history of a database may lead to loss of evidence for links. In addition, regarding storage and querying, it is not reasonable to simply keep all the database versions. Therefore, this paper will develop specialized archiving technologies. This paper have compared existing archiving techniques and the approaches of store RDF in relational databases, and based on one of existing approach, the paper developed two solution of archiving RDF data in relational databases. Also, in order to track the history of changes to the data, the paper proposes the strategies to extend existing methods for storing RDF in relational databases. For each of strategy, the paper present the efficient way for updating and archiving RDF data. Based on the strategies, the paper develops approaches about how to query these data. At last, there are evaluations of the proposed methods via different experiments.
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Copyright 2011 the author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s).