This thesis will be a study of the relations between a Tasmanian parliamentarian, Edward Mulcahy, and three influential centres of political and social thought in the period 1891 to about 1914.The Catholic, Labor and Conservative views will be discussed by reference to their various press organs. Through a study of these journals and their attitudes toward the various important issues of the period, some light may be thrown on the career of Mulcahy, and on the way in which his various political activities related to the political and social thought of the period.The Tasmanian Catholic Standard and the Monitor will be used to illustrate the Catholic view on a particular matter, the Clipper, the Tasmanian News and later, the Daily Post to illustrate the labor-democratic view, and the Mercury and the Examiner to illustrate those of the southern and northern upholders of the status qou.
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Copyright 1971 the Author - The University is continuing to endeavour to trace the copyright owner(s) and in the meantime this item has been reproduced here in good faith. We would be pleased to hear from the copyright owner(s).